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Feral Cat Package
1. Cat spay or cat neuter
2. Rabies 1 year vaccine
3. Ear tip (left ear)(mandatory)
Who should get a “Feral Cat Package”
​A “feral” cat or “community” cat is a cat that is not owned, and is an outdoor cat. Community cats may frequent a particular area and have a “caretaker” that feeds them and looks after them.
If a cat has no owner and is outdoors, it is at risk of being caught by trappers or picked up by animal control officers. It also may be taken in by a home. Having an ear tip allows trappers to see from far away that the cat is already spayed or neutered, and avoids them being trapped and stressed.
Ear tips are mandatory for community cats, and so are rabies vaccines. We want to keep them safe and to avoid them being repeatedly trapped and sedated.
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